Incoming 6th Graders – 2020 Summer school packets

Welcome MS 118 Class of 2023! All MS 118 students are expected to complete summer assignments in their four content areas (English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science). Students should complete the assignments for the grade they’ll be in this September. These assignments will be your first grades of the new school year.


Take a look at the assignments and make a plan to complete the work this summer. It’s not a lot of work if you complete some each week. But if you leave it for the last few days before school starts in September – you’ll never get it all done!


6th Grade English Language Arts

Students must read 2-4 books this summer. Please complete this form for every book you read. There will be prizes this fall for students, classes and grades that read the most books – 2-4 books is just a minimum! Challenge yourself to read at least a book a week this summer for a total of 10 books.


Here’s a book to get you started: Wonder by RJ Palacio


Find more books from the NY Public Library online:

If you have an Android device

If you have an Apple device



Need book ideas?

NYPL 2020 Book Lists for Kids Age 8-12

NYC DOE Read 365 Book Lists


6th Grade Math

Students are to complete the math problems in this packet on separate paper to be turned in on the first day of school. 6th Grade Math Packet in English and Spanish


6th Grade Social Studies

In Part 1 and 2, students will research one topic related to your upcoming Social Studies course (Ancient Civilizations) and write a one-paragraph newspaper article for each. Part 3 is a map activity.  The links are below. Please click “send me a copy of my responses” before you submit your work.


6th Grade Social Studies Assignment Forms

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3